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Punk is not dead


Why locals love it

The dirty, smoky, small and sweaty punk pub in the heart of Copenhagen offers visitors one of Copenhagen's most street-cred beers. For local rock and punk bands, artists and writers, the place has been the number one hub since early nineties. There's something inspiring about stickers in the ceiling, smoke inside and marked walls.


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Why you should visit it

Punky, chilled vibe and relatively cheap beer. Definitely a local experience, and a big part of Copenhagen's history with it's old customers and regulars. They either became famous or are still sipping their drinks at the same spot.

Special tip

Daily Happy hour from 22.00-23.00. Downstairs you will find pool tables, dart boards and fuss-ball tables.

Larsbjørnsstræde 10

Sa-Fr: 13:00-02:00

Mon-Tu: 14:00-02:00

33 11 67 45
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