Cover image of this place Nemoland

Christiania beer garden


Why locals love it

With picnic tables, plant pots and pot-heads dotted around this weird and wacky outdoor hangout, Nemoland (and Christiania in general) is a unique experience that shouldn't be missed. You'll find an eclectic and international mix of alternative types here, so order yourself a cold Christiania beer from the outdoor bar and enjoy the human zoo.


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Why you should visit it

Nemoland gets very lively and atmospheric during the summer months, and is therefore a great place to while away a sunny afternoon, especially on Sundays from 6pm when they host free live concerts on their open air stage.

Special tip

This place can sometimes feel seedy in the evenings so it won't be to everyone's taste.

Fabriksområde 52

Mon-Su: 10:00-01:00

Fr-Sa: 10:00-03:00

+45 3536 1600
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