Cover image of this place Nokken

Where hobbits go on holiday


Why locals love it

Not far from the city centre and nestled between the harbour and the wild, green expanse of Amager Fælled, Nokken is a charming little area, a hidden oasis dotted with allotment gardens and Hobbiten-style huts and houses.



Why you should visit it

If you're looking for respite from the crowded streets, pan-pipers, jugglers and human statues of the city centre, Nokken's relaxed vibe will gently nourish your senses and bring you closer to nature.

Special tip

Grab a disposable BBQ in nearby Rema 1000 supermarket and enjoy a picnic on the waterfront before diving in for a cooling dip.

Islands Brygge, 2300 Amager
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