Cover image of this place Sõõriku Baar (Doughnut Bar)

Legendary cafe in town

Sõõriku Baar (Doughnut Bar)

Why locals love it

You can be sure, there are no locals, who haven't eaten doughnuts made in this 60-year old bar. They are crispy and warm and considered the best in town. Incredibly low prices is a big plus. You spend for a cup of tea and two doughnuts just for about 1€. PS: Opening hours may change during the summer period.



Why you should visit it

There's a saying, if you haven't been to Doughnut Bar, you haven't been to Pärnu. Entering the bar, you'll explore the true spirit of the Soviet time. Traditional sprat sandwiches and potato salad are still in the menu as 60 years ago.

Special tip

If the place is overcrowded, ask takeaway and have them on the beach!

Sõõriku Baar (Doughnut Bar)
Pühavaimu 15

Mon-Fr: 07:30-18:30

Sa: 09:00-17:00

Su: 09:00-15:00

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