Cover image of this place Rive Gauche

A bohemian Italian pub

Rive Gauche

Why locals love it

Located in the heart of San Lorenzo, Rive Gauche is a pub serving great beer and authentic Italian food. The atmosphere is bohemian and the beer selection is fantastic. They have eight different artisanal beers on tap (most of them Italian) which can't be found elsewhere.



Why you should visit it

If you love beer and appreciate quality and tradition, head to Rive Gauche to sample some tasty artisanal beers. The rum and whiskey selection is also great here. They serve real food such as salads, cheeses and piadine – not the standard greasy pub fare. What’s more, the prices are reasonable!

Special tip

If you buy a drink, there’s a free aperitif buffet until 9 pm.

Rive Gauche
43 Via dei Sabelli

Mon-Tu: 19:00-02:00

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