Cover image of this place Rosendals Trädgård

Garden Café in Djurgården

Rosendals Trädgård

Why locals love it

Having a walk in Djurgården, don't miss out on this incredible place. With elegance and taste Rosendals Trädgård combines organic gardening, café, bakery and organic foods store. You can have a proper lunch or just enjoy a cup of coffee. Each season of the year has something special to offer.


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Why you should visit it

In spring you can have a picnic under the blossoming apple trees. In summer you can enjoy a great variety of blooming flowers and have a glass of wine outdoors. Autumn is the harvest time when you can taste several sorts of apples or buy a pumpkin. Winter is simply good for sitting around the fireplace with a cup of herb tea!

Special tip

The vegetables and herbs used for cooking are grown just in the backyard.

Rosendals Trädgård
Rosendalsterrassen 12

Mon-Fr: 11:00-17:00

Sa-Su: 11:00-18:00

+46 8 545 812 70
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