Cover image of this place Argo baar

Best shish kebab in town

Argo baar

Why locals love it

When Argo Baar had to move away from the shack they called home in Kadriorg many locals were very sad, as it was the best place for grilled meat in town. Now they have re-opened around the corner from Kristiine Shopping center and the regular customers of this Georgian family still make the journey out there for some serious Caucasian cooking.


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Why you should visit it

If you are looking for a change to the nearby shopping center food court head there for some of the best shish kebab (especially lamb, but they even make pork taste juicy), khinkali (Georgian dumplings), khachapuri (cheese bread), dolma (filled vine leaves) and kharcho (a tomato based spicy soup with lamb). It's kitschy, but the food is awesome.

Special tip

When eating khinkali, turn it upside down and slurp out the broth first and leave the doughy top!

Argo baar
Tulika 33, 10615 Tallinn, Estonia

: 11:00-21:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

601 5660
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