Cover image of this place Von Krahl

Theater cafe for artsy types

Von Krahl

Why locals love it

Not everybody is content with Tallinn's mainstream club scene, and those people have long held Von Krahl in high regard. Technically the place is a theatre bar attracting local art patrons and other colourful characters with their tasty menu and short-but-sweet beer selection.


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Why you should visit it

For nighttime entertainment we suggest you to investigate the posters outside to get a better idea of what's happening. Von Krahl <i>is</i> a theatre and they <i>do</i> have self produced alternative plays for people who are, say, not so much interested in the contents of a bottle but rather the character of it.

Special tip

During the day their little courtyard draws a colourful range of artsy people for an unpretentious lunch.

Von Krahl
Rataskaevu 10, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 626 9090
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