Cover image of this place Wiener Deewan

Pay as you wish

Wiener Deewan

Why locals love it

This restaurant is known by every single student in Vienna, because you can pay as much as you want and eat as much food from the buffet as you like. It can be found right next to the "Votiv" church and the Danube channel. Very central and easily accessible by underground or tram.


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Why you should visit it

It is a nice tip for all students and low-budget travellers. The "All you can eat, pay as you wish" buffet is served all day long. They serve Pakistani cuisine, so mostly stews, with rice, nan bread and salad as well as a delicious dessert creme, which is quite difficult to describe.

Special tip

Enter the place - Eat - Leave and pay the cashier as much as you want. It is really that easy. Closed in August for summer holidays.

Wiener Deewan
Liechtensteinstraße 10

Mon-Sa: 11:00-23:00

+43 1-9251185
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