Cover image of this place Café Scharrebier

As brown as it gets

Café Scharrebier

Why locals love it

Café Scharrebier is a tiny brown bar in the centre that does exactly what it should: Serving beers. So, no food here. The history of this bar is in its name. 'Scharrebier' was a kind of beer mixed with water, that was served to sailors because they couldn't afford regular beer.


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Why you should visit it

Walk into this bar and find an old man sleeping on his stool, a business man reading the newspaper and middle aged genuine Amsterdam couple arguing about their city. Outside there's a couple of students enjoying the sun. In other words: As tiny as this place is, as much different people it hosts.

Special tip

In the summer season there is a big terrace with a view on the water lock.

Café Scharrebier
Rapenburgerplein 1

Mon-Su: 11:00-01:00

Fr-Sa: 11:00-03:00

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