Cover image of this place Hram Hrista Spasitelja | The Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Beautiful orthodox church

Hram Hrista Spasitelja | The Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Why locals love it

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is located in the center of the city. It's a popular meet up place for families, and if you visit on Saturday, you will probably see couples having a church wedding here. There are benches in the courtyard where you can have a rest and admire the beautiful architecture of the building.



Why you should visit it

This is one of the most popular sights for tourists in Banja Luka, since it is located in the center of the city. This is the main Orthodox church in the city and it's also surrounded by other known buildings and many cafes.

Special tip

This is a great place to take a break from sightseeing. You can sit on a bench, have your snack and rest.

Hram Hrista Spasitelja | The Cathedral of Christ the Savior
78000 Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina

Mon-Su: Open 24 hours

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