Cover image of this place Parque Mirador De Los Nevados

Nature and city combined

Parque Mirador De Los Nevados

Why locals love it

It's a huge park in Suba. It means it's part of Bogota, then it's a perfect place for a hike without leaving the big city. There are obelisks, squares, trails... It's a beautiful spot that pay homage to the indigenous ancestors.



Why you should visit it

Nature, hiking trails, beautiful scenery of Bogota.

Special tip

Pets are not allowed. The park is too lonely on weekdays and robbers take advantage of it. Avoid them by going on weekends.

Parque Mirador De Los Nevados
Carrera 87 A No. 145 - 50, Bogotá, Bogotá D.C., Colombia

Mon-Su: 06:00-18:00

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