Cover image of this place Vajdahunyad Castle

Budapest's Fairy Tale Castle

Vajdahunyad Castle

Why locals love it

Not a genuine castle but more so a reflection of the history and evolution of Hungarian architecture. From Romanesque to Gothic to Renaissance to Baroque; the styles continue to appease your eyes. At first this castle was designed for the 1896 Millenium Celebrations but was beloved by the public so much, in 1904 it was rebuilt to be permanent.


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View Gallery


Why you should visit it

This structure contains 20 years of of collected architectural styles from Hungary's most beloved buildings. Walk through and experience all of those years within a day!

Special tip

Check out the Museum of Architecture in the Baroque section exhibiting wine-making, hunting, cattle breeding and fishing.

Vajdahunyad Castle
1146 Budapest, Városliget, Vajdahunyadvá

Tu-Su: 10:00-17:00

363 19 73
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