Service is some of the friendliest in Florence, but not in a sleazy, "we-cater-to-foreigners" way. The menu is extensive, but not overwhelming, and no poorly translated descriptions clutter it up. Schiacciata is served upon arrival and dishes range from salty swordfish carpaccio to winter staples like pappardelle al cinghiale (wild boar pasta).
At Trattoria dell'Orto, you'll absolutely be taken care of—but this isn't Burger King, so don't expect to "have it your way." The management won't let you douse your dish in parmesan cheese or order the wrong wine. Trust me: this is a sign of a Tuscan trattoria that knows what it's doing.
Call ahead and try to swing getting a seat on the back porch—it's covered, cozy and perfectly atmospheric across all seasons.
Mon-Su: 12:00-15:00
Mon-Su: 19:30-23:30