Cover image of this place Conserveira de Lisboa

Eating from a can!

Conserveira de Lisboa

Why locals love it

Tuna, sardine and other fish in can is pretty typical in Portugal. In Summer, Portuguese like to eat cowpeas mixed with canned tuna and parsley. But there is also anchovies, squid, mussels and codfish. The three brands: Tricana, Prata do Mar and Minor exist already for more than 50 years.


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Why you should visit it

The shop was founded in the 30’s and it’s located downtown. It still maintains the original cobblestone and the old wooden furniture, such as the cash register. If you are in doubt in what to buy, just ask for help at the counter.

Special tip

You can see women wrapping the cans in a nice retro packaging.

Conserveira de Lisboa
Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 34

Mon-Tu: 09:00-19:00

+351 21 886 4009
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