Cover image of this place Citadel Inn

The best view of Lviv

Why locals love it

Many locals do not know about this place. Also, you will not see crowds of tourists here. It is a very nice area near a 5 start hotel and it is available for free. It is clean and there are benches to sit. The best place to meet a sunset and watch a panorama of the city. Do not hesitate to go upstairs to the balcony of the restaurant.


Why you should visit it

You will see a beautiful view of old city.

Special tip

Get there through Kalicha hora street - there is a small gate if to go upstairs to the hill.

Citadel Inn
вул. Павла Грабовського, 11 (вул. Академика Філарета Колесси), Львів, Україна
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