Cover image of this place Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli

Indro Montanelli Public Gardens

Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli

Why locals love it

The Porta Venezia public garden was renamed in 2002 after the Italian journalist and historian Indro Montanelli. It’s the oldest public park in Milan and an enjoyable place to visit when in the Porta Venezia neighbourhood.


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Why you should visit it

Being centrally located, this park is a great place to take a break when you’re out and about exploring the city. It also features many attractions for all ages including the Museum of Natural History and the Planetarium.

Special tip

Children can enjoy a short pony ride for €3.

Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli
Corso Porta Venezia

Mon-Su: 06:30-20:00

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