Cover image of this place Дума (Duma)

Russian DJs & live music

Дума (Duma)

Why locals love it

Finding this place can be tricky – a quest that can make you even more curious or maybe even furious depending on your mood. Locals love it for its amazing atmosphere, good diverse music and nice interiors. They also host nights with non-stop movies.


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Why you should visit it

Since this place can be tough to find, it’s a bonus that live concerts are generally free. Jazz, indie, funk, swing and DJ lounge sets are on the cards, and the main courses aren’t cheap, but delicious. Table reservations on Friday and Saturday nights are accepted before 20:00.

Дума (Duma)
Mokhovaya St, 11, стр. 3В, Moskva, Russia, 125009

Su-Th: 12:00-00:00

Fr-Sa: 12:00-06:00

+7 495 692-11-19
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