Cover image of this place Cappella degli Scrovegni

The Scrovegni Chapel, UNESCO heritage

Cappella degli Scrovegni

Why locals love it

The Scrovegni Chapel, frescoed between 1303 and 1305 by Giotto, is one of the most important masterpieces of Western art. The chapel was originally attached to the Scrovegni family palace, built after 1300, following the elliptical outline of the remains of the Roman arena.


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Why you should visit it

Giotto is one of the most important painters of the Italian masters, along with Michelangelo. Giotto with his painting has led to a great figurative art revolution, becoming the model of inspiration for the artists of the Renaissance. Indeed, he broke the mold with the painting of the past becoming an innovator of taste and style.

Special tip

The cycle of painting, made in just two years, depicts the stories of Anna and Joachim, Mary, Jesus and The Last Judgement.

Cappella degli Scrovegni
Piazza Eremitani, 8, 35121 Padova Veneto, Italia

Mon-Su: 09:00-19:00

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