Cover image of this place Konse Motel and Caravan Camping

Sleep inside or outside

Konse Motel and Caravan Camping

Why locals love it

It is a nice place next to the river where you can go swimming and enjoy the greenery. And the eating place there offers various group menus to organize different events.



Why you should visit it

It is a family-owned business offering its guests good service, privacy and security. Situated on the bank of the River Pärnu it is at a 15 minutes walk to the seaside, beach or cultural and entertainment sites.

Special tip

In the guesthouse there are 32 rooms with 88 beds but you can also camp there with your caravan car or with just a tent.

Konse Motel and Caravan Camping
Suur Jõe 44a
+37 253 435092
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