Cover image of this place Poznań's Cathedral St. Peter & St. Paul

Birthplace of Poland

Poznań's Cathedral St. Peter & St. Paul

Why locals love it

This the very place where Poland was born as a Christian country. It's here where 1st catholic chapel used to be. Cathedral in Poznan is 2nd most important burial place for Polish first rulers & kings (burials from 992 - 1296). WWII destroyed it pretty much but we managed to rebuild it.



Why you should visit it

- It's very historical place plus it's great to see it at night when almost entire island is beautifully illuminated. - It's 2nd most important burial place for our kings & rulers. - Cathedral despite bare walls still looks good and it's worth to see main altar: wood carving from the 2nd half of XVth century.

Special tip

Come there at night or visit this place with a live, local guide to learn more

Poznań's Cathedral St. Peter & St. Paul
Ostrów Tumski, Poznań, Poland

Mon-Sa: 09:00-16:00

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