Cover image of this place Cubist Lantern

See the only Cubist Lantern in the world

Cubist Lantern

Why locals love it

Designed by Emil Králiček in 1912, the Cubist Lantern is the only attraction of this kind in the entire world. You will see that the structure is made of geometrical chunks of concrete and its top is geometrical as well!



Why you should visit it

The attraction is right by the Wenceslas Square, so it is very easy to visit. Prague is the only place in the world where Cubism has been applied in architecture and the Cubist Lantern is one of the symbols of the movement in the country. It is definitely worth seeing.

Special tip

When you are there, visit also the beautiful Gothic Church of our Lady of the Snow from 1347.

Cubist Lantern
Jungmannovo nám., 110 00 Praha 1-Můstek, Czechia

Mon-Su: Open 24 hours

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