Cover image of this place Neuer Markt

The place to start: Neuer Markt

Neuer Markt

Why locals love it

The Neuer Markt (New Market) is more or less the centre of the city. It is a big space surrounded by beautiful Hanseatic architecture, the (pink!!!) city hall, the post office, and the famous Marienkirche, and opens towards Rostock's main shopping street. You can buy fresh local fruits, veggies, fish, eggs and much more almost every day.


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Why you should visit it

It is a great place to start your day in Rostock, as it has the 'Kröpeliner Strasse' and the Marienkirche nearby. Furthermore, it's a major crossing point for most of the city's tram lines, so it's easy to get around from there. last but not least, it is just a lovely place.

Special tip

Around special holidays, the whole place is set up as a fair with a giant wheel, shooting gallery and lots of food.

Neuer Markt
Neuer Markt, 18055 Rostock, Deutschland
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