Cover image of this place Diner

The Star-Spangled Burgers of Tallinn


Why locals love it

Who wouldn't like a good burger? Estonians love a good burger. And Diner provides. Diner also brings a little of the USA feel to the cosy Nõmme area. Some of the burgers are quite inventive but all the tried and tested favourites are also there. Situated further out from the city centre makes it a true locals hangout.



Why you should visit it

The menu is as long as the counter it hangs above, if you can't find a burger you like off it then it probably doesn't exist. The service is friendly and burgers are huge and very tasty. An average Estonian has trouble finishing one, much less moving after eating all of it.

Special tip

Ask for the daily special offers!

Vabaduse pst 39, 11212 Tallinn, Estonia

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

601 0907
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