The Dubai city, cover photo


About Dubai

Dubai may not be the capital of the United Arab Emirates but it certainly has better recall than the actual country. The city is best-known as a shopping hub, with malls throwing various tactics to increase and maintain that high volume of footfall (ever experienced shopping at 4 AM in the mall? Shop till you drop definitely applies here). Don't just go shopping though, enjoy the beaches, take a trip to the desert, there are plenty of options for adventure tours and to explore the other emirates too. Ambitious with driving it's vision to reality (Tallest building? Check. Grandest fireworks display? get my drift), the changing landscape and skyline almost literally, unfolds with a blink of an eye. The Emirati folks are customarily steeped in Muslim tradition. On the other hand, most are actually open to different cultures so it might not come as a surprise to find your favorite cafe, favorite brand, or even favorite dance teacher locally established in the city. Before you jump your high horses though, just remember Aretha Franklin (R.E.S.P.E.C.T)--read the do's and don'ts as they take the don'ts seriously this side (ie. you could get jail time). Despite some recent setbacks, this city continually strives to offer its residents and perennial tourists what others might have missed or let go along the way--a shelter from the storm.