Cover image of this place Forte Prenestino

Iconic social centre

Forte Prenestino

Why locals love it

Forte Prenestino is a local institution. In the 80s it was known for its liberal political action, though nowadays it’s considered a cultural hub. They host many activities and events including parties, exhibitions, festivals, film forums, dance, music and theatre courses, and much more.


View Gallery


View Gallery


View Gallery


View Gallery


Why you should visit it

This is one of the oldest social centres in Rome. As it’s located in a 19th century fort, it features amazing underground galleries and rooms, as well as a drawbridge. It also has a big open-air space where concerts and festivals are held in spring and summer.

Special tip

I recommend "Crack!" – the festival of drawn and printed art.

Forte Prenestino
Via Federico Delpino
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