Cover image of this place Zu Ebener Erde und im Ersten Stock

eating like in grandmother's times

Zu Ebener Erde und im Ersten Stock

Why locals love it

This is a restaurant that has been very hyped in the last year. There are plenty of restaurants serving the Austrian cuisine and therefore it is hard to recommend one in particular. This one stands out from the rest because of the allover flair of being at ones grandmother's place - childhood memories included.


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Why you should visit it

The restaurant gives tourists a good overview to the variety of the Austrian cuisine - ranging from hearty soups to meaty main dishes as well as the long standing sweet dishes.

Special tip

for architecture enthusiasts: the whole building and interior are styled in Biedermeier

Zu Ebener Erde und im Ersten Stock
Burggasse 13
+43 (1) 523 62 54
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